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LEGO's first factory in Asia and the fifth in the world will start operation on Friday in Jiaxing, Zhejiang province, to produce up to 80 percent of all LEGO products sold in Asia, which is growing into one of its largest markets. The factory is located in the city of Jiaxing, in the middle of the Yangtze River Delta and is approximately 100 kilometers away from Shanghai, where the LEGO Group will have its central distribution center for Asia. The factory, which started trial operations in late 2015, currently has three major departments including a molding facility and packing, covering approximately a total construction area of 165,000 square meters. It is expected to be fully operational by the end of 2017. There are 1,200 employees working in the factory.
中国亚洲正成长为乐高最大的市场之一。位于浙江嘉兴的工厂是乐高在亚洲的首家工厂,也是全球第五家工厂,将于周五投入运营,生产的产品将满足亚洲市场80%的市场需求。 这家工厂位于嘉兴,位于长江三角洲中心地带,距离上海约100公里。乐高集团亚洲配送中心也将建在上海。 这家工厂于2015年年末开始试运营,目前有模具制造和包装等三个主要部门,总面积约占16.5万平方米,预计在2017年年末实现全面投产,员工数量有1200人。
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